Terms of use

Latest changes: 6 August 2018


The site"askourpsychic.org" is a site accessible by the Internet network, open to any user. It is published by Pluton Media S.A., whose registered office is at Avenue de la Toison d'Or 67, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium.
This site is hosted by etigris.com.
The responsible publisher is Pluton Media S.A.
Navigation on the site “askourpsychic.org “is subject to the regulations in force and the terms of use below. Consequently, by continuing to consult the site, the user indicates his acceptance of the general conditions. Use of the Website will be subject to the most current version of the present terms of use, which are available on the Website at the time of use.

Article 1 - Object and disclaimer:

"askourpsychic.org" is a technical platform giving users the possibility to contact external, totally independent advisors, offering clairvoyance services, by telephone or others.
The site"askourpsychic.org" is only a technical gateway, which means that the psychic advisers who contact the user have no subordination link nor are providers of the site"askourpsychic.org". The"askourpsychic.org" site is not informed of the identity of the psychic advisor who will contact the user and therefore has no control over the user. However, "askourpsychic.org" does not give psychic advice or consultation. The site " askourpsychic.org " is limited to making available to users several advisors specialized in divinatory arts.
The user agrees to be contacted by email, SMS, telephone or other means. He is perfectly aware of the fact that the psychic advisor with whom he will come into contact has no legal, administrative or other link with the site"askourpsychic.org".
The offers of clairvoyance can be free or paying. They are written in a fictional way, for entertainment purposes. The names of the speakers listed on the site"askourpsychic.org" are purely fictitious, which the user recognizes. The writing is intended to be a fictional staging of different situations likely to be encountered or to interest users. These are fictional illustrations.
As a technical intermediary between users and advisors,"askourpsychic.org" has no influence on the content of the consultation, which is provided by the advisors under their sole responsibility.
Similarly,"askourpsychic.org" assumes no responsibility for the quality of the services offered by the psychic advisors, the comments and evaluations provided by users, or the professional qualifications of the advisors.
"askourpsychic.org" cannot in any case be held responsible if a user should suffer any prejudice following a consultation provided by a psychic advisor.
Please note that for the reminder service offered to users of the site"askourpsychic.org": When the user agrees to be called back for a psychic consultation on one of our pages, one of our partners will be chosen to offer this service to the user. The user will be called back as soon as possible, depending on the availability of external consultants. The partner assigned to the callback request will be selected based on availability and the time of the request. Connection logs will also prove the user's agreement.

Article 2 - Access to the site and child protection:

The site"askourpsychic.org" is exclusively intended for individuals over 18 years of age, enjoying their full capacity of discernment and contracting.
The publisher strives to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the publisher, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance necessary for the proper operation of the site and services.
Consequently, neither the publisher nor Pluton Media S.A. can guarantee the availability of the site and/or services, the reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality. No technical assistance is provided to the user either by electronic or telephone means.
Users of the site"askourpsychic.org" are required to ensure the compatibility of their browser software with the site.
The responsibility of the publisher and/or the company Pluton Media S.A. could not be committed in the event of impossibility of access to this site and/or use of the services.
In particular, the site provides the user with an online form system. This system is an offered faculty which does not engage the responsibility of the editor in the assumption that, for whatever reason, the form would not have been considered.
In addition, the publisher may interrupt the site or part of the services at any time without notice, all without right to compensation. The user acknowledges and accepts that the publisher is not responsible for interruptions, and the consequences that may result for the user or any third party.
The responsibilities of the publisher or that of Pluton Media S.A., as defined in Article 3 below, may in any event only be held liable for facts which are exclusively attributable to a system under the effective control of the publisher or Pluton Media S.A., which excludes all facts originating upstream or downstream of the"askourpsychic.org" site, in particular access to the Internet network.
Finally, access to the website is via the Internet. Pluton Media S.A. ensures the best security of its own computer system. The user declares that he knows the risks and accepts them. It must protect itself against the effects of computer piracy by adopting an adapted and secure computer configuration. Pluton Media S.A. cannot be held responsible for any damage that the user may suffer directly or indirectly in connection with his navigation on the website.

Article 3 - Disclaimer:

The publisher ensures the availability via the site"askourpsychic.org" of correct and updated information and reserves the right to modify at any time the content of the site and to update it. However, neither the publisher nor Pluton Media S.A. can under any circumstances be held liable for damage caused as a result of any incorrect, outdated or incomplete data communicated via the site.
It is therefore strongly recommended to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and/or documents made available on this site. In particular, the information and/or documents may have been updated between the time they are downloaded and the time the user becomes aware of them.
The use of the information and/or documents available on this site is made under the entire and sole responsibility of the user, who assumes all the consequences that may result, without the responsibility of the publisher can be sought as such, and without recourse against the latter.
Neither Pluton Media S.A. nor the publisher can under any circumstances be held liable for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this site.
The publisher undertakes to use all reasonable means at its disposal to enable users to make optimum use of the services offered. The publisher, like Pluton Media S.A., is therefore only bound by an obligation of means, and under no circumstances by an obligation of result.
The publisher, like Pluton Media S.A., is only liable for its fraud and gross negligence.
The publisher, just like Pluton Media S.A., are not responsible for the consultations provided by the visionaries and do not intervene in case of dispute between the latter and a user and do not guarantee in any case the satisfaction of the user as for the services of the visionaries. This implies that the user waives the right to involve the publisher and/or Pluton Media S.A. in any dispute that may arise from a consultation between himself and a sighted person. More generally,"askourpsychic.org" cannot be held liable for the results of the services offered and/or used. Under no circumstances may the content of the consultations constitute legal, medical or psychological advice.
Neither the publisher nor Pluton Media S.A. can be held responsible for the consequences of circumstances beyond their control such as strikes, lockouts, wars, bad weather, etc., failures of computer systems or means of communication, or any other event constituting a case of force majeure.
Users of the site"askourpsychic.org" undertake to immediately notify the publisher of any fraudulent use of the site"askourpsychic.org" and not to seek to harm the integrity or operation of the site.

Article 4 - Intellectual property:

The content and presentation of the"askourpsychic.org" website (fixed or automatically generated HTML or Flash pages, image files, sounds, videos, trademarks, logos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Pluton Media S.A., unless otherwise indicated.
The"askourpsychic.org" database is protected by copyright (database structure) and by the rights of database producers (database content).  Pluton Media S.A., as producer of the database, has the right to prohibit the extraction and re-use of a substantial part of the database.
Users undertake to use the information and data available on the"askourpsychic.org" site solely for their personal use. They undertake not to make any direct or indirect use of it. In particular, they shall refrain from any reproduction, adaptation, modification or communication, in any form and by any means whatsoever, even free of charge, and any reconstitution from the information and data obtained, of new files, databases and other documents without the express prior written authorisation of Pluton Media S.A.
The commercial name"askourpsychic.org" and the logos accompanying it are the exclusive property of Pluton Media S.A. The information presented on this site may in no way be interpreted as constituting or granting any license or authorization that allows the use in any way whatsoever of trademarks, which use requires the prior express written consent of Pluton Media S.A.
Undue use of such marks is strictly prohibited. Pluton Media S.A. will enforce its intellectual property rights worldwide, in compliance with all applicable laws.

Article 5 - Hypertext links:

It is possible to create a link to the home page of the site"askourpsychic.org" without express permission from the publisher. No prior authorization or request for information may be required by the publisher with respect to a site that wishes to establish a link to the publisher's site. However, this site should be displayed in a new browser window. However, the publisher reserves the right to request the removal of a link that it considers not consistent with the purpose of the site"askourpsychic.org".
The publisher has no power of verification and control with regard to the creation of links to external sites and with regard to the content of said sites, whether these sites are commercial or not.
The owners of the sites consulted from the site"askourpsychic.org" are, in particular, solely responsible for compliance with all regulations applying to the services offered online, and in particular, laws and regulations relating to distance selling, consumer protection, regulations on the protection of privacy, misleading or deceptive advertising, prices, product compliance, etc.
Users' attention is drawn to the fact that links to these other resources cause them to leave the "askourpsychic.org" site. Also, the user accepts that his choice to access another site via a hypertext link is made at his own risk.
Consequently, any direct or indirect prejudice resulting from the access to a site linked by a hypertext link cannot engage the responsibility of the publisher or the company Pluton Media S.A.

Article 6 - Applicable law and Jurisdiction:

Both this site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by Belgian law, regardless of the place of use. In case of possible dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to seek an amicable solution, the Belgian courts of the province of Lièges will have sole jurisdiction to hear this dispute.

Article 7 - Modification of the Terms of Use:

Pluton Media S.A. may modify these terms of use. Due, in particular, to changes in legislation or the provision of new services.
In order to keep the user informed of any changes made to this document, Pluton Media S.A. will modify the revision date at the top of the page. The new modified and/or amended terms of use will apply as of this modification date. Therefore, Pluton Media S.A. encourages the user to periodically review these terms of use in order to stay informed of any changes.

Article 8 - Obtaining the Terms of Use in the form of a durable medium:

If the user wishes to obtain a PDF version of these terms of use, simply send an e-mail to reponses.voyance@gmail.com  or write to the following physical address:
Pluton Media S.A.
Avenue de la Toison d'Or 67
1060 Bruxelles,